Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Scent Shares is up and running!

I just got my scent shares up and running. I will try to add things and stay up to date on my fragrances in the Scent Shares blog (link to the right).

One thing to note: Orders placed with Dior Homme Intense will NOT be shipped until I actually receive my package containing DHI. I just wanted to get it up on the site in addition to the others so we could have an interesting selection lol. Enjoy and as always,

Stay Fragrant,

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Scent Shares

Hey everyone, Ashkan here with an update. I am trying to get something going that I can sell off shares of scents that I have in my collection. I don't need this many full bottles, and you guys/gals can benefit by not spending +$300 on a bottle of niche when you only need 5ml at a much more reasonable price.

The link is to the right, but I am not done getting it ready. I will make an announcement on youtube when things are ready for purchase. As for now, if you would like you can head over there and let me know what you think. I will try to make improvements aesthetically.

Last thing to note: Chris (cformosa4) is the first person that I saw doing this sort of thing and he takes credit. Here's a link to his store because all-in-all, I don't want to be competition. He's a good friend and I want to try and not offer what he has available.

-The Sultan of Scent