Wait, what? When ever has something just *clicked* and someone's life has turned a new leaf to become perfect? It's happened enough to other people that my chances are next to none. Besides, Angela was only in it for the money; She wouldn't have stayed with me after I let her in. That's just the way the cookie crumbles at a young age and sadly, I had spent years thinking about if I had done things differently would things have worked. Can a teenager really think about these things in such detail? No, and that is why at a young age I failed. I erred in two ways: I had believed a girl could like me for me, and I thought a cologne would make me the hottest shit since sliced bread.
Ralph Lauren's Romance is falsely named and should be called Fling. A Romance can last a lifetime and has ups and downs. This cologne doesn't last 2 hours but I will say it does smell decent, especially considering the age I was when I first smelled it. A fling however lasts the same time as this fragrance and is full of good times. If we lived in Ricky Gervais' The Invention of Lying (2009) that would work but here in reality, we must accept that the people over at RL decided to be funny with their name. Let's face it, how many of you actually enjoy his fragrances more than everything else you've smelled? Anyone? Find me someone and I will show you a liar. It's only fitting since they learned from the greatest storytellers of all. Mr Lauren and his comfy comforters and soft 1/4 button up collared short sleeve cotton shirts.
The fragrance is lacking on all levels except maybe scent. The longevity like I said is only a few hours and it dries quick. The projection is laughable and the development is non-existent. I kid you not that I have sprayed this fragrance on my hand less than an hour ago and it is barely present. Ralph Lauren's Romance when conceived I'm sure was a spectacular hit with their extensive ad campaign that I still remember watching so many years ago. I even remember seeing a couple commercials in recent history, perhaps a few months ago reminding me of my craze for this scent which ultimately led me to the store to purchase this. Romance is the child with A.D.D. that you can't confront about it. You let them go about their way and hope they don't give you an attitude. I know this fragrance will be around for years to come simply from the amount of money invested to push the damn product in stores because it has its fan base.
Starting with a dry semi-sour citrus, the fragrance is inviting to those close enough to smell it and quickly dries down to a mundane dry, slightly rubbery citrus reminding me of unused portions of lime wedges when dried out; sad pieces of goodness gone to waste. Romance had potential with the scent as I've always loved the scent but it didn't last as long as I wanted it to. I'm happy I bought my 50ml bottle for under $25 but really in the grand scheme of things, I've never worn this out because it is useless. I've worn it after my gym sessions and sprayed it on my pillow a few times, that's it.
I bought the bottle for two reasons: It was at a great price and for nostalgia. I would not recommend this for anyone other than kids that have issues with over-applying colognes since this one you'll need to reapply every 2 hours to even smell it. If Ralph Lauren - Romance Men were a personals ad, it would be a miscategorized listing placed in the LTR section when in fact it belongs in Casual Encounters because it is light, nice to look at from afar but ultimately never going to lead anywhere. That being said, Romance is overrated and overpriced to be worth the investment. Look elsewhere for the love of your life. If I ever run out and rebuy a bottle it must be because I've sprayed my pillow enough to remember my middle school days. A day that I do not look forward to but am sure will be comforting since Romance will probably still be available in stores.
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